Our Policies


Our aim is to establish energy strategies at the earliest design stage. With proactive design relating to building form, orientation, glazing ratios, thermal mass to ensure minimum energy and environmental impact.

An appreciation of the interdependence of the building fabric and services will avoid inappropriate engineering solutions.

Active reduction in the use of hazardous and ozone depleting gases/materials. Increased use of renewable sources of energy and materials to limit the usage of scarce resources such as fossil fuels and minerals.

Continual assessment of environmental issues and design guides to incorporate the latest and fundamental engineering solutions to all areas of project design.


Peter Deer & Associates is committed to equality of opportunity both in the provision of services and as an employer. This commitment is contained in the core values of the company. We expect all our staff to promote equality in the work place and in the services we deliver. In this way, the company can help to redress inequality.

In our commitment to equal opportunities we mean equality of access to jobs, services, information and participation for everyone.

The companies equal opportunities policy ensures that no person receives less favourable treatment on grounds such as their age, sex, disability, faith or because they are a lesbian woman or a gay man.

Each member of staff has a personal responsibility to deliver their service and carry out employment practice with this policy in mind.


It is the policy of the Directors to do everything possible to comply with its statutory obligations to promote the health, safety and welfare of their employees whilst at work whether within in the company’s own premises or on sites or premises belonging to others; to conduct the company’s business in such a way as to prevent other persons from being exposed to risk to their health or safety; to ensure that any premises or means of access thereto which are for the time being controlled by the company, are safe and without risk to the health of persons working there or the general public; and to ensure that any designs or operating procedures made or devised by the company are as far as is reasonably safe and without risks to health when properly used.

For these purposes the company provides its employees with such training as it considers necessary and in particular what steps should be taken to ensure safety on site. All staff are required to read and understand the company safety manual and confirm in writing that they have done so.

Each member of staff must be aware that the Health & Safety at Work Act imposes on them a duty to take reasonable care not only of their own health and safety whilst at work, but a duty also to protect others who may be affected by what a member of staff may do, or omit to do, whilst at work. Each member of staff has a duty to co-operate with the company to enable its statutory obligations to be met.

All members of staff are provided with a copy of the CDM regulations and are required to acknowledge the implications of those regulations in respect to the company’s obligations under the current legislation.

Members of staff are required to acquaint themselves with the Fire Instructions, which in accordance with Statutory Regulations, are displayed in the office and explain the procedure to be adopted in the event of fire.

In the event of a person suffering injury during the course of their duty, whether on or off the company’s premises, that person must take the necessary steps to inform a Director as soon as possible, giving full details of the injury and also the circumstances surrounding or leading up to the incident.

A copy of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 are held at the office.